Sunday 3 March 2019

Unicorn Bites!

Doesn't the world just go crazy over anything unicorn related? I know I do. I wanted to create something sooo cute and colourful that I kind of didn't want to eat them and ohhhhh damnnnn, I did just that. THEY'RE SO CUTE I WANT TO DIE. 

These come with a slight magical warning - do not give to children before bedtime. They are hella full of sugar as they are pure chocolate. 

Although I have decorated my chocolate bites unicorn style, you could absolute change these to fit any theme and colour. Maybe pirates with blue shades for a birthday party? Or decorate with flowers for a baby shower? Either way you've got yourself a winner.


4 x large bars of white chocolate
3 x different food colourings
Cup cake cases
Coconut Oil

1. Break up all of the chocolate and separate into 4 bowls.

2. Melt each bowl of chocolate with 2 x tsp of coconut oil to make it really runny.

3. Gradually add the food colouring to each bowl (slowly so the chocolate doesn't go fluffy).

4. Pour your first colour into the cup cake cases - just a small layer and freeze for 20 minutes.

5. Repeat with all colours.

6. Freeze for 45 mins once all layers are complete before decorating.

7. Go crazy and creative with your decorating!

Sparkle and enjoy.

Hannah x

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