Wednesday 27 March 2019

Just Another Vegan Soup!

Tasty? YAAAS, healthy? YAAAS and 100% vegan? YAAAS. This recipe is really is really low calorie and packed with goodness but it's important to understand that a healthy diet is about balance and although this soup is approx 207 calories per serving you need to ensure you are having a substantial amount of protein and carbs for your body to burn off through out the day - so if you are having soup for lunch or dinner ensure you are consuming the correct macronutrients for your body.

Anyway... enough lecturing from me and onto the tasty stuff. Roasting veggies brings out alllll the flavours and this soup gatttt spice hunny.

Ingredients: (serves 2)

1 x butternut squash
1 x yellow pepper
4 x chillies (mixed)
6 x cloves garlic
400ml veg stock
100ml coconut milk
Handful of pine nuts
Cracked pepper
Olive oil

1. Cut the butternut squash into small cubes and remove the skin. Chop the chillies (save a slice or two for garnish). Chop up the yellow pepper and peel the garlic cloves.

2. Place all of the veggies on a grease proof paper lined tray. Season with salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil and roast at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

3. Now all the veggies are soft and super fragrant... chuck it all in the blender with the veg stock and blitz until smooth.

4. Add the coconut milk to make that soup creammmmy.

5. Top with pine nuts, sliced chillies and pepper.

6. Vegan, tasty, healthy.

Keeping you hungry,

Hannah x

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